These works have been sold and are in private collections. If you would like to purchase one of my available abstract paintings, please go here.
©Pamela Hirsch, Pink Cypress, Oil, 8×8 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Keep Your Memories, Oil and cold wax, 12 x 12 inches
These works have been sold and are in private collections. If you would like to purchase one of my available landscapes, please go here.
©Pamela Hirsch, Clifton Down, Oil and cold wax, 12 x 12 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, A Sudden Wonder, Oil and Cold Wax, 20 x 20 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, After Rain. Oil and Cold Wax, 11 x 9 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Softly Goes the Day, Oil and Cold Wax, 9 x 11 inches
These works have been sold and are in private collections. If you would like to purchase a work on paper, please go here.
©Pamela Hirsch, Fields Awash. Oil on paper, 5 x 7 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Ascension. Oil on paper, 6 x 6 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Summer's End on the Moors. Oil on paper, 6 x 6 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, A Hot Summer. Oil on paper, 6 x 6 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, One Summer Day. Oil on paper, 5 x 7 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Heaven's Gate. Oil on paper, 5 x 7 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Clifton Go Softly. Oil on paper, 6 x 6 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, Rich Pear. Oil on paper, 6 x 6 inches
©Pamela Hirsch, In My Dreams. Oil on paper, 5 x 7 inches