What Does It Mean to Be a “Colorist?”
Despite my love for neutral tones, I consider myself a 'colorist.' In this post, I explore what it means to be a colorist, my admiration for artists like Pierre Bonnard and Fred Cuming, and how I use a limited palette to evoke emotion and create harmony in my abstract art.
Developing Artistic Style: Self-Reflection and Growth
My friend, artist Jane Gavaghen, says developing your artistic style is about "being findable." I love that for a couple of reasons. It captures the essence of evolving an artistic style by emphasizing both active engagement and the willingness to embrace inspiration when it comes.
Am I Doing it Right?
It's only recently that I've discovered that the question "am I doing it right" is a theme that's been running my entire life. I say "discovering" because that's what it feels like.